Ci sono persone così povere che l'unica cosa che hanno sono i soldi.

Santa Madre Teresa di Calcutta

venerdì 14 settembre 2012

Translation of the post of 'September 13

The origins of the Commission,  Mario Monti and the human race

The foreign policy of the United States of America after World War II had as its central element of the reconstruction of Europe (initially only the West) and Japan giving them the role of future trade partners and a bulwark against the spread of "communism". It was with the aim of rebuilding these areas, the United States looked favorably (allowed) the formation of regional organizations such as the European Community for Coal and Steel Community, the European Free Trade Association, the European Common Market to get up the birth of the European Union.

In the mid-sixties, it became clear that the most dynamic sectors and "forward-looking" of U.S. capitalism, Western European and Japanese were increasingly intertwined and had an increasingly international flavor. The old dream of a world community of the capitalists of the capital seemed close to realization, at least for a small community banks and transnational corporations.

This trend was immediately noticed by American and world bankers, the first of David Rockefeller. Rockefeller claimed in those years that the interests of mankind are better served in economic terms where the forces of the free market have the ability to transcend national boundaries. Were proponents of this economic policy open, international, leads the game in the United States. For example, from 1947 to 1967 six consecutive GATT lowered tariffs on the import USA in Europe and Japan. Of course the United States has always been divided between a protectionist soul  who looked more to the internal market and asked the Administration to shift the application of duties on exports of Europe and Japan to the U.S. and a internationalist soul.  In the 60's the U.S. domestic market was growing and therefore the internationalists had the upper hand, but at some point something broke.

In the early 70's there was the first global economic crisis of the postwar period. In August 1971, President Nixon launched the New Economic Policy. The financial world as it had been until then, he was never the same. Nixon wiped with a sponge the Bretton Woods agreement of 1944 declaring the non-convertibility of the dollar into gold. This measure would devalue the U.S. dollar and, therefore, promote U.S. exports in the European and Japanese markets during the sixties were very grown up. Also were applied to unilateral duties on imports into the United States, those who were violating the GATT just ended. If this policy was supported by the protectionist side of American capitalists, was seen as a smokescreen by internationalists who believed that this policy ultimately damaged USA. In fact, the divisions between the industrial capitalist countries were a threat to those players corporations (financial, commercial companies, banks) whose interests were closely related to free trade and free investment with flexible mechanisms of circulation of money.

Was to "support" these ideas that David Rockefeller in 1973, with some "friends", created an organization that would serve to protect the interests of supranational: the Trilateral Commission. Next year this organization, which still exists, will turn forty. The members and closest advisers who have been part of the Commission since its inception (July 1973) to date include representatives of banks, multinational corporations, news organizations and international organizations. And 'possible to connect to the corporate website of the Commission ( to get an idea of the activity that carries on this organization and the people who currently belong to it. To date, the Italians present are 18, including John Elkann, Chairman of Fiat SpA, Maurizio Sella, President of Gruppo Banca Sella, Marco Tronchetti Provera, Franco Venturini, columnist for the Corriere della Sera, Enrico Letta, Member of Parliament and Deputy Chairman of the Democratic Party , just to name a few. November 16, 2011 Mario Monti resigned from the Commission after being chosen by President Napolitano to succeed Berlusconi at the head of the Italian government.

In July 2013, the Trilateral Commission, will celebrate its first forty years of life and action at the highest levels of financial power, international economic and political. And the way things have gone so far, it seems that the action taken has been effective. The interconnectedness of the modern world, in all sectors, it is perhaps gone beyond the imagination of the first members of the Trilateral Commission. But the interests of mankind, as they are called Rockefeller, today, are protected more and better than forty years ago?

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