Ci sono persone così povere che l'unica cosa che hanno sono i soldi.

Santa Madre Teresa di Calcutta

venerdì 4 gennaio 2013

Hic sunt leones ( Here are the lions )

I wonder if Mr. Monti will come up with this Latin phrase, however, before deciding to get into politics ... In fact, the political landscape that presents itself before our eyes increasingly resembles a jungle infested with dangerous animals, some of which have not yet been studied by scientists!

In this tropical climate, even though we are at January 3, Professor Monti, after much hesitation, decided to become personally engaged in the upcoming election, as a political leader and not technical. It 'a choice that, as one might imagine, is doing discuss all political forces, those who have supported his government and those who have always opposed and criticized harshly.

What the government headed by Mario Monti has made ​​in the past few months have seen and experienced all Italians. You could do better ? That's not the point. The point, in our opinion, is to remember that the economic situation was living in Italy in November 2011 and what results we arrived in January 2013. Then each of us, for the interests that are proper and defends, draw its own considerations. Certainly Professor Monti believes that his work is not empty and that the situation of Italian politics magma leaves space for his team "special" called by the Italians to finish the job started.

But what 'is the project of Professor? What idea of 'Italy Monti is proposing? There is help in the twenty-five pages of the so-called Agenda Monti entitled Changing Italy, reform Europe. An Agenda for a joint effort, the first contribution to an open debate. (

We've read them all carefully. Conclusion? While on some issues, such as the thought that Europe should be more united and less distant from the citizens, we think that we can gather a broad consensus on economic issues already thought of the new movement is more complex and controversial. Of course, the emergency is not over yet, but care draconian adopted up to now by the Government Monti, there seems to have led to brilliant results.

Agenda Monti seems lacking one thing: there is much talk of growth, but it is not clear where and how economic growth would rise. Are set out many beautiful principles (Project Italian companies on international markets - the Digital Agenda - the full potential of the green economy - agricultural policy - Italy of beauty, art and tourism -), but then frankly we miss the operational implications of the same. Agenda continues dealing with pension reform, labor market, institutional reform and justice, all issues where the thought of the professor is well known and partly shared (but questionable extension of the retirement age which leads to a block of the assumptions made ​​for the youngest).

The focus is economic growth and on this point the Agenda Monti in our opinion does not provide answers. We are not economists, but let's start with a statement, by the facts: (data from 2010), the Italian economy is made up of 4.5 million enterprises, 95% of which employ fewer than 10 employees. If in 2013 we could find a way to stimulate, encourage half of these firms, say 2 million entrepreneurs, to take each new employee, maybe young, we will within a year, 2 million new jobs. How do such fiscal stimulus - economical to use? Provide an answer should be the task of the government, political or technical it is. With the creation of jobs would be created that could fly then little by little to stimulate positive factors for growth in all economic sectors. The downside is the recession that we have experienced in the past twelve months and that brings with it new unemployment, further decline in consumption, which causes new recession.

What judgment will give the Italians of Professor Monti? And most importantly, there was no need of this new movement? No pollster can actually make a reliable answer to these questions. Too magmatic political situation.

One thing is certain: hic sunt leones, we just hope that the prey is not sacrificed our beloved Italy.

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